Monday, July 19, 2010

San Diego Christian Writers Guild Meeting Today

Enthusiasm is building for my first meeting with members of the San Diego Christian Writers Guild.  These local people all help each other to get their material self-published.  Even though I am writing this post three days ahead of our meeting, this is on my mind constantly.

Imagine that you have found the meaning for your life and you have been pursuing it daily, mostly alone.  One day, you look up at the sky and you see rain drops.  The landscape instantly becomes alive with rich colors.  All life around you is soaking up these droplets.  The grass is greener, the flowers are opening up... everything is alive again.

These rain drops are sent from Heaven, each one a participant in something our Creator has been planning since before the day any of us were born.  Today, these rain drops will come together, forming a union that will stand up to the Evil One.  Each will contribute and all things will become new again.  At last, the drought is over.  The days of living in a cave are so distant now.  I am ready to take my place with the other Christian writers in my town and do what I promised our Creator I would do...publish all the good that Jesus has done.

Today is just the beginning and I am happy to share it with all of you.  Have a great day.


Byron said...

We were so glad to have you attend our Christian Writers Critique group today. I am looking forward to reading each chapter of your upcoming book, “God’s Black Sheep Squadron.”

I also identify with the sad tale of the demon-possessed man living amongst the tombs. When he found Jesus, he found life, When Jesus found me, life began anew.

Michael Mulligan said...

Thanks for the warm welcome, Byron, and for the copy of your book, "The Best Book on Self-Publishing With Createspace". I feel vibrant energy flowing from this special group of writers and look forward to learning from all of you.