Sunday, September 5, 2021

Where Can You Find Your Identity?

 How would you answer if I asked you, "What are you known for?"  Is this identity something that's followed you for a long time?  Are you happy with this identity?  What would happen if you suddenly lost it?

Good or bad, we all have some kind of identity.  Changing it requires some degree of pain.  There may be a loss of friends or status.  Others may be disturbed because you no longer fit the mold that others perceive as the place where you belong.

If you are serious about finding your true identity, ask Jesus to show you who you are in his eyes.  If you're not the praying type and this sounds foreign to you, I'll give you the short answer to help you get started.  Your identity is in Jesus.  You belong to him, even if you don't know him.  He knows you.  He knows your thoughts before you think them.  He knows every choice you will make.  If you seek him, you will find him.  When you find Jesus, you will find your identity.  Have a great day.

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