Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How Do You Feel About Interruptions?

 Interruptions come in many forms.  A lightning strike causes your power to go out when your to do list is overloaded.  Your boss calls with a new assignment and you already know you are past deadline on his previous requests.  Your mom calls and you're in a meeting.  Interruptions stink.  If you're like me, you do everything in your power to minimize them.

How do you respond when the big boss interrupts you?  You know who I'm talking about, right?  The one who has messenger angels at his disposal when you don't follow those little nudges in your head asking you to change direction.  You think those nudges might mess with your plans so you ignore them.  The Interruptions get stronger until you realize there a force bigger than you who wants your attention.

In my opinion, there is a creative solution to those pesky interruptions you're trying to deal with.  Stop trying to make plans that deviate from God's plans for your life.  Embrace God's messenger angels when they call on you.  Listen to those gentle voices in your head that are trying to inspire you to change course.  Have a great day.

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