Friday, September 10, 2021

The Best Adventures are in the Unknown

 Odds are you woke up this morning on automatic pilot.  If your subconscious programming is running at your optimum performance levels, good for you.  You will have a repeat of that glorious day you had yesterday provided you don't modify your routine.  If your life falls short of what you believe to be higher expectations, read on.  I'm with you.  Warning!  Your roller coaster ride may get bumpy.

The longer I live, the more I pursue the unknown.  Today is a great example.  I'm in a new city surrounded by strangers who proudly call themselves Duluthians.  They are interesting people.  What's most interesting is my subconscious software doesn't know what to do.  The other night I went out to dinner and discovered many of the roads were closed.  My navigation software guided me to the restaurant where I met some day job teammates.  My cell phone battery died and I found myself completely lost.  Even though I could feel my heart skipping a couple of beats, I decided to embrace my situation.  By the way, the storm clouds rolled in adding intensity to my predicament.  I knew I couldn't drift too far from my destination because I was near Lake Superior.

Seek the unknown.  Try new things.  Get lost.  Let your brain enjoy new experiences.  Keep the routines in your life that serve you well and let go of the habits that force you into mediocrity.  Have a great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What were you doing in northern minnasota.