Friday, February 14, 2020

Your Best Valentine's Day Gift

Are you searching for the perfect Valentine's Day gift to give to your spouse/significant other/parents/children?  I have an idea.  It's very different from traditional gifts, like flowers, chocolate, etc.  This gift is something you can give not only to your loved ones but the world.  This gift is your personal commitment to be the best version of yourself you can be.  I know.  I know.  You're already resisting because the traditional gifts are tangible and who in their right mind would tell their love, "honey, my gift to you today is my commitment to be the best version of myself"?

Perhaps I'm not in my right mind.   Maybe the influence of the generations who came before me are causing certain predispositions and proclivities.  You may have heard about the sins of the fathers and all that negative stuff that you think gives you permission to act and behave a certain way.  I'm here on this Valentine's Day to say it doesn't have to be this way.  You don't have to pass on any negativity that was learned from your ancestors.  We're living in a broken world and we are broken.  That's why the world needs you to step up right now and commit.  If you've read this far, maybe something deep within your soul is saying, "Hey, maybe this lunatic is on to something.  What do I have to lose by making this promise to be the best version of myself?"  I'm warning you, this gift is going to cost you.  This is not some cheap gift you throw away when Valentine's Day is over.  This is a commitment to change.  I promise you that if you come back every day and visit I will share how I'm living my promise to my wife to be the best version of myself.  In my opinion, this is the perfect gift. Why?  Because this gift is your choice to align with your Creator and live his plan for your life.  Go ahead.  Join me.  Pledge to walk this path.  Let's do this together.  Have a great day.

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