Thursday, February 20, 2020

You Found My Blue Zone

Congratulations!  You found my blue zone.  It's the nickname I give the special territory on the planet where I happen to reside.  According to Dan Buettner, blue zones are places where people live longer than average.  If you want to read more about his research from his time scouring the world as a National Geographic photographer, click here to order Blue Zones.

My life hasn't always been a blue zone example for others.  There was a period of time when my life was more like a red zone, a place where bad food choices, fast foods, and Mountain Dew ruled my day.  No wonder I suffered from all sorts of sad health conditions including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and excessive weight around my belly.  Yes, I was headed for an early grave, the opposite of what a blue zone life is all about.  If you're new to my blog, maybe you're wondering what changed.  I realized my life needed a makeover and I found it in a food experiment my cousin, a doctor, offered me when I was at rock bottom.  His experiment saved my life.

If I could make one suggestion about living in the blue zone, I would recommend that you first decide you can improve your life no matter how far off the deep end you may be.  Start small and make daily choices that get you out of the danger zone and into a life of joyful opportunity.  Surround yourself with people who desire a blue zone lifestyle.  Bookmark this blog and join me in my quest to live life to its fullest.  I'm happy you found my blue zone.  Thanks for visiting.  Have a great day.

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