Saturday, February 8, 2020

The People Puzzle

Imagine the world as one giant people puzzle.  There are 7.63 billion pieces.  Like it or not, we are all connected.  Some want to destroy the "people" puzzle because they don't like the contrasts.  The differences aren't tolerated, sometimes even despised.  That's one of the reasons I place so many boundaries on my particular piece of real estate within this puzzle.  I prefer to "hide" my own preferences in order to promote peace and harmony.

I felt a great sadness yesterday when a person I respect and admire aired his intolerance for anyone he is connected to that doesn't share his particular political view.  There's a reason I don't talk politics – it's highly divisive.   He wrote, post a comment if you don't agree with me and I will unfriend you no matter who you are, even if you are family.  Rather than post a comment which meant sharing publicly, I quietly removed myself from his list of friends.  I'm feeling a void from the lost connection.  Sadly, the rifts are only going to increase as tensions rise.

There is only one point of view that truly matters to me – God's.  He envisioned every piece of this magnificent puzzle before we were created.  We are created in love.  It's our choice to love or hate all the other pieces in the people puzzle.  I choose to love them all, even the ones who wish to disconnect or who want to kill off the other pieces because they are different.  Have a great day.

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