Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Can You Edit Your Emotions?

Ask yourself if you feel you're living in the past?  Perhaps you suffered trauma.  Maybe your childhood didn't go the way you wanted it to go.  The sad part about your past is that it cannot be changed.  History cannot be rewritten.  There is good news, though.  You can edit your emotions the same way you edit your grocery list.  The best form of whiteout that I use is something called forgiveness.  It won't erase your past but it will help you look at it from a different point of view.

Negative emotions are like prison cells.  They somehow hold you captive.  Sadly, those bullies from your past that you fail to forgive are your cellmates.  You have the power to rewrite your feelings about your past.  You have the key that can unlock the jailhouse door and set everybody free.  Reframe your life's story and ponder all the valuable lessons you learned.  Perhaps the person you are today is because you survived tumultuous times.

I've been doing some challenging editing lately.  My characters needed some upgrades.  What I overlooked is that I need some serious editing in my own life.  The more I can edit my emotions about my past the better I feel inside my soul.  Give forgiveness a try.  See if this helps with your editing efforts.  Have a great day.

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