Friday, February 7, 2020

Dilithium Crystals Not Necessary

My early morning discovery yesterday is like finding buried treasure.  Those files inside the vast rows of cabinets contain more than past memories.  Some of them have records of my future.   There are manuscripts for books not yet written.  The whole experience of my 90-minute meditation is one huge mystery that I cannot properly explain except to say there's something supernatural going on.  I headed off to my day job feeling like I was walking on air and that feeling stayed with me all day.

Mind travel is weird, really weird.  Beam me up, Scotty.  I'm ready for some more inner space exploration.  Dilithium crystals are not necessary to engage.  I promise to share details about my meditation adventures in future stories.  Although I'm relatively new at this, I do recommend setting aside time daily to close your eyes and explore.  It's like performing a Vulcan mind-meld on your own brain and the experience will help you become a better version of yourself.  Have a great day.

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