Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What is life worth living?

What is life worth living?  Let's play a game.  Let's make a deal.  You can choose your life as it exists now behind door number one.  Behind door number two is the life you're created to live.  Consider it a dream life.  Behind door number three is the life others want you to live including your parents, your friends, and your boss.  Which door will you choose?  Are you feeling some pressure?  Please allow me to add to the tension to the game.  Take a look around at who is in the audience.  Do you see your family members?  Your boss?  What about that old man in the back row?  I invited him to help you with your choice.  His name is Socrates.  He loves to play games and he also enjoys observing how others make their choices.

Many people are already playing this game and every day they subconsciously choose door number one.  It's sort of a default choice.  Nothing really changes because it's what they know.  Others choose door number three because they succumb to peer pressure or pressure from a higher authority.  Are you tempted to ask that old man in the back row for his input?  I'm warning you, he won't give you a direct answer.  He will ask you so many questions that your head will spin.  If you do choose to consult him, you may get him to say that an unexamined life is not worth living.  In my opinion, that's what doors one and three are for, people who don't take the time to seriously consider how much impact they could make on the world around them by simply examining their own lives and perhaps discovering their own purpose.

It's time to pick a door.  The world is watching.  God is also watching.  Maybe today is a good day to choose a different door.  Have a great day.

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