Sunday, February 9, 2020

How to Improve Your Stillness Skills

"Be still and know that I am God."  It's biblical.  Yep.  Psalm 46:10.  It was written in a time of war.  If you look around, you may notice we're living in troubled times.  The world is polarized.  There's not too much stillness going around.  If you want to take time to get closer to God, simply follow the instructions in Psalm 46:10.  Be still.  I found a really good way to do this but it takes daily practice.  And there's an obstacle you must confront.  It's that comment everybody makes about not having enough time to be still because there's too much to do.

If you look at two people who are working on the same task at their day jobs and one of them works nonstop without stopping for breaks during his eight-hour shift while the other takes a 15-minute break every two hours and a half-hour lunch, who do you think gets the most work done?  It's the guy who learns to be still at those two-hour intervals.  The same is true when you give yourself time to be still, preferably in the morning before you look at your to-do list.  Thirty minutes of stillness while focusing on knowing who God is should prep you to move mountains.  Keep that stillness up every two hours to maximize your day.

The way you improve your stillness skills is by doing the daily effort.  That's it.  Set aside the time and close your eyes.  Do nothing.  Think of it as prayer time.  You have an invisible labor force inside your mind waiting to assist you with your daily tasks.  You can't access this Divine help unless you heed the advice in Psalm 46:10.  Have a great day.

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