Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Oasis in the Desert

Maybe I'm cheating a little with my "40 Days in the Desert" writing experience but I do need all the help all I can get.  My wife and I decided we're not watching TV during our season of Lent.  We cut the cable long ago but sometimes we like to splurge on Netflix.  We're now limiting our TV time to self-help videos and something new I'm testing – watching videos of exotic beach settings while I work on my book projects.  For me, it's like having an oasis in my basement.  These videos are so real that I can almost smell the fresh beach air and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.  The sound of the waves breaking on the shore is so gentle and soothing.  If I can keep a steady pace every day for 40 days, I have a feeling my project will be nearly complete.  Have a great day.

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