Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How to Improve Your Brain

Has anyone ever told you it's impossible to grow new brain cells?  If you believe that, maybe you think you're in some kind of downward spiral and your life is slowly deteriorating.  Your perception of the world inside and outside your brain does have a major influence on your brain cells.  I learned a new word today, neurogenesis.  It means growing new brain cells.  If you know how it works, you can influence the growth rate and make more than enough new brain cells to enhance the quality of your life.

Think of your brain as a balance sheet.  Your 100 billion brain cells are your assets.  Some activities you perform work against your assets.  These liabilities include cheating on your sleep, drinking excessively, and getting involved in stressful situations that take away your peace of mind.  Poor eating habits also negatively influence your brain cells and kill them off.

If you want to improve your brain and maximize its net worth, read books and learn new activities.  This will spur new brain cells.  It's also a good idea to visit new places and make new friends.  Spend time with nature.  Meditate.  Do these things regularly and other people may think you discovered the fountain of youth.  Have a great day.

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