Sunday, February 23, 2020

Resolving the Mind-Body Conflict

If you tell me you don't have any challenges between your brain and your body, I already know who won and you're not gonna like my answer.  It's the result you get when the spoiled kid gets everything he wants.  Some day he will move out and become society's problem unless his parents do their jobs before it's too late.  There are tell-tale signs you're in conflict and most people don't even see them.

How many times do you hit that snooze button before you finally get out of bed?  How many hours do you spend in front of the TV?  How many things on your to-do list never get done?  How often are you late for appointments?  These questions are to help you understand your body is in charge and this means your life will probably never get any better than the status quo.

Wild horses can be tamed.  The untrained pet who appears out of control can be properly instructed.  Your mind can be domesticated as long as you're willing to do the work.  You won't ever change unless you recognize there's a better way to live.  How do you resolve the mind-body conflict?  You allow your mind to be in charge of your body.  As St. Paul said in Romans 12:21, "take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ."  This means you must find a way to take your mind to obedience school the same way you take your pet to obedience training.  Let Jesus be your trainer.  When that alarm goes off in the morning, get up before you hit the snooze button.  Show your body you mean business and don't let up.  Have a great day.

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