Thursday, February 13, 2020

What Your Mask Reveals About Yourself

People wear masks to protect themselves.  Have you noticed lately how the numbers of mask wearers are on the rise?  The same is true in the places that tend to be the safest for mask wearers – houses of worship.  My wife showed me a note in the bulletin about the suspension of handshaking during the sign of peace.  The note read a simple wave will suffice during flu season.  I'm one of those people who likes to shake hands and I'm not afraid of the consequences.  In my opinion, all these things we do to protect ourselves lead to further isolation.  That's where the real trouble is – where fear prevents us from abundant life.

It's -2º this morning as I prepare for my morning commute to my day job.  Once again, the roads will be peligroso, meaning dangerous.  Many will stay in their homes where they're safe.  Not me.  Fear will never have any negative influence on my life.  I won't hide behind any masks.  I'll shake hands as long as the people around me aren't afraid of the consequences.  The next time you're tempted to put on a mask, remember what it tells the people around you.  Maybe today is a good day to decide your mask is no longer necessary because you're done with hiding.  Have a great day.

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