Monday, November 23, 2009

Preparing for Christmas

This morning my wife and I decided on a location for our Christmas tree. We are going to put it up on on Thanksgiving morning. It is the only day our whole family will be together to prepare our home for Christmas. This special day is only thirty three days away.

Before I met my wife, I used to wait until Christmas Eve to do all my shopping. The year before we got married I got a high fever the day before Christmas. My wife to be said it was a shame that I didn't prepare better and she sent me out to shop. The stores were crowded with all the last minute shoppers and the selections were few. As I made my final purchase, I wished I had done a better job of getting ready for Christmas.

Procrastination is not a good attribute. It starts with making choices. Every time I say tomorrow instead of today, I am letting this bad habit rule my life. This laziness is such a bad example for my family. This is the year I have resolved to prepare properly for Christmas.

Preparing for Christmas is so much more than putting up decorations and buying gifts. It is about preparing my heart for Jesus. It is about being a better example for my family and my peers.

This year I am planning on presenting my family with a list of things we can do to be ready when we celebrate Christmas. His birth changed everything. It is time to prepare now so I am ready to celebrate properly. How about you? There are only thirty days until His birthday. What are you going to do to get ready?

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