Peace is something we all seek. It is mentioned 247 times in the Bible. There is a difference between peace and trouble and it is very possible to have both at the same time. Peace is a state of mind and trouble is related to the external events that are going on in our lives.
I cannot imagine my life without peace as I face my daily challenges. So how do we get peace in our lives? I wanted to share some ideas that have helped me to have more peace in my life:
1. Decide that no matter what storm you are facing on the outside, you will be at peace on the inside.
2. Forgive your enemies. Pray for them to have better lives.
3. Make a poster board and place the word "peace" on it (See earlier post about the poster board).
4. Listen to peaceful music.
5. Read "In Pursuit of Peace" by Joyce Meyer (one of my wife's favorites).
6. Meditate daily.
7. Set worthwhile goals and achieve them.
8. Volunteer.
9. Pray for peace.
10. Remember that God wins!
For me, there is no greater peace than knowing Jesus is my personal friend. Now that He is in my heart, I know He is with me everywhere I go. I get stuck in traffic jams just like everyone else and sometimes I find myself standing in long lines. Maybe my Friend wants me to slow down so we can spend some time together? It prevents road rage when I view the bad traffic as an opportunity to pray.
May your day be filled with peace.
John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
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