Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Two Days in a Row When Time Altered

The first day it happened my wife cautioned me.  Now that my body is getting used to intermittent fasting, I often forget to eat a meal.  I don't get hungry or thirsty.  The result is I can go long periods of time immersed in my activities, such as writing.  My wife told me to pay attention to the time so I don't hurt my body by missing food.  Well, it happened again yesterday.  I was aware of the time but the clock seemed to be moving at an accelerated rate.  It's an interesting experience.  If I can keep this up, I should be able to stay on top of my to do list.  This year can possibly turn out to be one of the most productive years ever.

I'm wishing you a great day wherever you may be today.  If you're having fun with a new grandkid in your life, I'm sending you some aloha from my hometown.  Have a great day.

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