Monday, April 12, 2021

It's Magical

Walt Disney started with a mouse.  Other characters joined the party.  His kingdom is magical.  We also have a mouse in our house.  Hans is not famous like Mickey.  He's simply an inanimate character who entertains me while I dream about how to publish all the stories swirling around inside my head.  I'm happy to report that the magical forest I referenced in my first "5 Minutes with Mulligan" YouTube video I published last week is coming to life.  It amazes me how a lingering writer's block issue can be removed in an instant when another creative type comes along and offers a fresh perspective.  

Imagine you've been staring at a problem for what seems like an eternity and you can't see a solution.  For me, the challenge is to find a way to publish Wilson's copyrighted image when the big boys who own the rights to Wilson don't want to budge.  My artist friend listened to my problem.  He flipped the image around 180º and came up with a rough draft showing the backside of Wilson.  Now we're talking.  It's magical.  There is absolutely no way the big boys can come after me as long as I never show Wilson's good side in any of my pictures.  Walt Disney's success came from the people around him.  He never drew Mickey.  He let another artist do the magic.  Never underestimate the value of the magic you can obtain from the people around you.  I'm forever thankful.  Have a great day.

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