Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter

 Nonbelievers ask, "How can you be certain that this Jesus you talk about is real?"  They want proof.  Is an empty tomb really proof of anything?  Even the believers doubted.  Those in power wanted Jesus to stay dead.  Guards stood over the tomb to prevent any conspiracy theories.  The one thing I know for sure is that no matter what humans do to try and stop God from carrying out his plan, nothing can stop God.  Not even death.  Jesus did it.  He conquered death.  The tomb is empty.  He is risen.  He is alive!

If you have any doubt that Jesus is real, imagine for a moment that your doubts are gone.  Imagine that Jesus is real.  Imagine he came back from the dead, just like he said.  Imagine that the death on the cross was just for you.  Yes, you.  Have a conversation with Jesus.  Invite him into your heart.  Ask him to show you how real he is.  Pay attention to the people around you.  I have a feeling that someone will come into your life to help you understand how real Jesus is.  The empty tomb is your first clue.  There are more.  Read the New Testament and search for the truth.  Thank you for visiting today.  Happy Easter.  Have a great day.

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