Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Back Nine on the Links – Update

Financial Freedom has a price.  My wife and I decided to pay that price when she checked out a library book written by a guru who happens to be my age.  We have a lot in common.  Both of us flubbed in our early years.  Having a last name Mulligan, perhaps others expect me to need plenty of do overs.  I came up with this game to aid me on my quest to pay off all our debt including a mortgage.  We are on the back nine on the links, a virtual golf course where every hole represents one month of efforts to get out of debt. Sure, there where many sand traps I happened to land in early in the game.  I also found the water hazard multiple times.  My slices and dices even took me into several swamps.  Something happened in the third year of the game, I started hitting par for the course.  Miraculously, there were even a few eagles.  The back nine where I am now are like rounding third in baseball.  I see home plate.  I feel like sprinting which is odd because I'm 60 and most people my age are starting to get fat, sick and nearly dead.  Sadly, I've lost many from my high school class of '78.  I'm happy to be in the game.  I'm happy to be surrounded by people who care about my wellbeing.  I may stumble while pursuing a lifelong goal of financial freedom but I will do everything in my power to get through the back nine.  Have a great day.

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