Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The River of Creativity is Flowing

 Something really strange happened yesterday.  I parked myself in my basement and got busy on my writing projects after consuming my "world famous" caveman smoothie.  Maybe it was my super comfortable office chair that contributed.  It may have been my insatiable desire to learn how to use my new tools.  Whatever it was, time stopped.  I heard a noise upstairs.  It was my wife returning from work.  That was the first time I came out of the trance just in time to go to our weekly yoga session.  That means I lost track of about seven hours.  I had no idea what time it was.  No food.  No water.  Just my inanimate friends to keep me company.  I'm feeling good about this newfound creativity.  It's a river that is flowing with stage IV rapids.  Any higher and the river would be impossible to navigate.  Today I'm going to remember to get a few sips of water every now and then.  All is well in the basement.  Have a great day.

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