Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Meditations are Becoming More Meaningful

Ponder this for a moment – we are comprised of 99.9% energy.  What does that mean?  It's a mystery to me.  If you figure it out, let me know.  What I feel in my heart is that everything around us is only temporary.  This is not where we ultimately belong.  Some may argue, "that's a good thing because I really don't like what's going on around me right now."  Maybe that's why Jesus says, "my thoughts are not your thoughts...for as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are my ways higher than your ways." – Isaiah 55:8-9.  That's deep, really deep.  Out of this world.  Heavenly.  How can we find this Heaven while we're here on this earth?  The closest I can get is in my daily meditation.  

Something happened this morning while I was "galaxy surfing."  I caught a glimpse of these thoughts Jesus references.  His thoughts?  Maybe.  All I know is that when I came out of my morning time something was different.  I shared this with my wife.  These thoughts can be scary.  I'm sharing a video that came to me while I was in my heart zone.  I have no clue why this music popped into my magical place but it has some kind of meaning and it will be in my head all day.  Here goes.  Click the link for the song.  Have a great day.

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