Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms

Family photos are rarely allowed here on this blog for privacy reasons.  I may be an open book but family prefers off-line interactions only.  Mother's Day is an exception.  Please allow me to share a little bit about this amazing person six of us call mom.  She is pictured here with my adopted friend, Wilson.  My mother is the one who never gives up on you no matter how difficult the challenge may be.  Mom is the one who prays in all circumstances, always trusting that Jesus is there.  My mother inspires me to be a better version of myself.  I'm sure my siblings will be fighting over precious time slots to be with mom today on her special day.  If you read this before she does, please keep this little surprise to yourself.  Mom, I'm coming to Phoenix today for a brief visit.  I will arrive before midnight just in time to wish you a Happy Mother's Day in person.  We can celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow.  I'm super excited to see you.  Thank you for being the best mom anyone could ask for.  Thank you for all the lessons.  Love, Michael.  Have a great Mother's Day.  To all the moms out there, I want to thank you for making this world a special place.  God bless all the moms.  Have a great day.

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