Saturday, May 22, 2021

Don't Get Out of Bed Until You Reach Level 10 Joy

 Your joy won't come from your surroundings.  It won't come from your circumstances.  It won't come from waiting for it to knock on your door.  Your joy is a state of consciousness within yourself.  You can tap into it any time you want.  I recommend you discover this joy first thing in the morning before you reach for your social media.  Do this before you connect with news of current events.  Do this before you check your email.  The best way to prep is to shut yourself off from the outside for a full eight hours of deep sleep.

I find myself waking up every morning without an alarm clock.  I'm striving to go deeper in my meditations.  I'm adding checkpoints to my energy centers with my favorite music.  What happens next is a state of level 10 joy.  The outside world does its best to compete with my joy and attempt to take it from me.  As a human, sometimes I win and sometimes I fail.  What matters is that I get a handicap by starting at level 10.  Anything less and I'm doomed.  The outside world is filled with too many distractions.  Do yourself a favor.  Remain in bed until you reach level 10 joy.  Practice.  It's worth it.  Have a great day.

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