Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Best Way to Avoid Regrets

 Got regrets?  Congratulations!  You're human.  Regrets are part of the package.  You can do your best to hide from them, let go of them, or even confront them but they are part of our lives.  My buddy, Robbie, he could have arrived in Heaven with one huge regret but he avoided the regret by taking action.  Good thing he didn't wait any longer because he cut it a little close for comfort.  I'm referring to the going away party he set up for his friends and family.  Yep.  He avoided a regret and he helped his people in his inner circle avoid one too.  We don't have to carry the guilt of missing the party.  If we couldn't be there in person, Robbie set up a virtual connection.  He left us with a YouTube video as well.  That's classy.

If you want to avoid or at least minimize your regrets, take action.  Hesitation is the easiest way to fall into the regret trap.  If you're looking inside your head and finding a pile of regrets inside, get them out of your system.  They will kill you.  You cannot change the past.  It's fixed.  Focusing on your regrets will freeze you up like a rush hour traffic jam.  You won't go anywhere.  Forgive yourself for all your past regrets and then bury them in a coffin.  Have a funeral.  Cry if you need to.  Then, move on.  Promise yourself you will stop making excuses.  They are just like permission slips for regrets to move in like a bad roommate who disrespects you.  Have a great day.

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