Friday, December 28, 2012

How to Find the End Zone

Photo credit: Sam Hodgson,

Another season is coming to a close.  The two-minute warning for 2012 is flashing.  I find myself and my family in the end zone celebrating victory.  The year started with a prayer and a dream.  Our team's resources were paper thin but that did not stop us from believing in miracles.  On February 29, we took the leap of faith, sold our California home, and said good-bye to our old life.  We converted on every 4th and long play we faced, triumphantly marching 1,850 miles across the field to reach our dreams.

Here are some coaching tips for those families desiring to make a change:
  1. Believe in miracles.  
  2. Huddle with your team and get them to buy into the dream.
  3. Be willing to let go of the things preventing you from moving forward on the field of dreams.
  4. Make adjustments.  Your opponent will do anything to keep you out of the end zone.  Don't be afraid to call an audible and change your strategy.
  5. Get some rest.  Your productivity will decline if you fail to take a break.

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