Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to a Whole New World of Technology

Greetings to all my friends in the blog world. I am actually typing this post without my fingers. Attached to my head is a microphone. As I speak into the microphone, my new software is recognizing my voice and is changing my voice into words.

Speaking to a computer is different from speaking to a human being. I must learn to be able to speak in the computer's language in order for my computer to be able to understand me properly. Every day as I write (speak), my computer's voice recognition software will improve. It is actually learning my voice with every new word I speak. It can type as fast as I can speak. I can't wait to show this new software to my writers critique group located here in Ramona.

Today's post will be brief as I must return to my writing. I just wanted to take a moment and update you.  There are still many chapters to complete in these final months and time is running short. Thank you for your prayers. I look forward to sharing more with you tomorrow.

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