Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mission Accomplished

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." ~ Matthew 21:22

Yesterday was a monumental day.  My goal of updating my computer and software has been achieved.  Today's message is super short because I have been so mesmerized by all the new tools that I lost track of time.  Let's just say that what is about to happen these next two months will boggle your mind.

I now have all the tools necessary to accomplish my mission.  I thank God for leading me on this journey.  At times, I have been lost and disconnected.  No longer will that be the case.  My writing time will at least quadruple in speed and my blog will go through another metamorphosis.

All areas of my life are converging now.  The right people are connecting.  They are literally falling out of the sky, just like this new laptop I am using to type today's message.  The feeling I have right now in my heart is a ten.  I see the vision of what is to happen very clearly now.  There is nothing better in the computer world for blogging and writing than a mac.  I will use it every day to accomplish His mission.

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