Friday, June 23, 2023

Two Food Groups

 Are you looking for a simple solution for determining optimized food choices?  In my opinion, all foods can be divided into two distinct categories.  The first group has been around for millions of years.  The second category hasn't been around long enough to know the full impact on our bodies.  What is certain is that these last hundred years or so haven't been kind to our health.  Some people are winning big, like the companies who invent drugs to treat our modern day health issues.  Government wins as well because they no longer cut checks for your social security when the death certificate is signed.

The next time you go shopping you will be able to distinguish between the two categories.  If there aren't any ingredient labels on the food you are buying, you are in the "God-made" food group and your odds of great health are in the stratosphere.  The other group is the man-made group.  Ask your doctor what he or she believes is the source of your ailments.  Prescription pills are one way to be treated if you desire to eat all the experimental foods on the market today loaded with harmful man-made foods that your body doesn't know how to process.  Who knows? Maybe someday your doctor may tell you the pills you are consuming are no longer necessary.  That's between you and your doctor.  Have a great day.

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