Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Something Fishy About Ragbrai Bike Ride


The 50th anniversary of Ragbrai, a bike ride across the state of Iowa, takes place next month.  I'm in (unofficially) for the last half of the weeklong ride.  Time off from my day job has been granted.  This is my second year in a row participating.  It's extra exciting for me because I'll be camping out one night in the town of Coralville where I work.  One of our longtime friends lives along the route in the Amana Colonies and he promised he and his wife will be cheering for me when I pass his home.

Now the fishy part of the story.  Some of you have been wondering how I survive grueling heat and lack of food along the ride.  I'm not one of those highly trained cyclists who train year round for events like Ragbrai.  Yes, my tennis training is helpful although I'm only averaging two to three hours a week on the courts.  What's my secret?  There is one area where I'm training like someone who is going for the Olympic gold medal.  It has to do with my food program.  I don't call it a diet because, in my opinion, diets are not really considered life-time habits.  Diets are things you do in the short run to achieve a goal, like weight loss.  I'm going for the whole enchilada.  I desire metabolic flexibility and a body that can be healthy well into my advanced years.  So far, so good.  I'll be packing one food that will sustain me for hundreds of miles – sardines.  Are sardines a top choice amongst cyclists?  I doubt it.  I consider sardines to be one of the best food choices anyone can make.  Stay tuned for the rest of the story.  Have a great day.

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