Saturday, June 17, 2023

My Weekly Hospital Visits

Where do people go when they are spiritually sick?  In my opinion, the best place to go is your house of worship.  Sadly, those who are in denial about their poor spiritual health are the same ones who choose other alternatives while avoiding God's hospital at all costs.

I know all the standard objections.  You have heard them as well.  Some say, "I'm too busy."  Really?  Too busy to go to a hospital and get treatment for your soul?  Others say, "the kids have sports."  Really?  Sports are more important than getting your kids spiritually healthy?  What about those who say, "I prefer to worship God my way, like when I'm in nature."?  I'm the first one to tout the health benefits of a nature hike.  That doesn't help the community of sick people in your congregation who could use the benefit of your presence next to them while they are struggling.

There have been many times in my life when I needed God's intensive care yet I tried to do things my way without worshipping.   I resisted.  Now I fully understand that my weekly hospital visits are helping my soul to heal from past wounds.  I'm not there to "get something" out of it.  I'm not there because it makes me "feel good."  In fact, the way I feel means nothing about my hospital visits.  

Tomorrow is Father's Day.  It's a great day for dads.  Just remember who your real Father is.  When was the last time you went to your local house of worship to give God the glory for all the blessings in your life?  Maybe Father's Day is the best day ever to get a soul checkup.  Consider it a hospital visit.  Have a great day.

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