Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Full Physical Today

The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

It's been a long while since I've had a full physical, including blood work, with my primary care physician.  I have a notebook filled with questions for him.  In case you're wondering if I have health concerns, I don't.  In fact, it's the opposite.  I'm seeking a confirmation about the health pathway I'm on now which happens to be the road less traveled by those who live in this part of the world.

Sadly, I saw yet one more obituary for a high school classmate yesterday.  I wish I could go back in time and warn others about food choices that I believe to be the root cause of almost every disease this world is encountering leading to premature death.  In my opinion, people have been tricked into eating foods labeled as healthy when the opposite is actually the best path.  The simplest way to share this is by dividing everything you eat into two categories, man-made and God-made.  There are folks at the top of the food chain making serious bucks selling snake oil disguised as ideal food.  When did something artificial become the standard?  How many lives have been lost because of the standard American diet?

I have one hope for you today as you read this.  My hope is that if you are metabolically healthy, you stay that way for the rest of your life.  And if you're not metabolically healthy, you join the 12% of Americans who are by making healthier choices.  Come back tomorrow and I'll share my results with you.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

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