Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Hurry Down

 Hurry Down?  Really?  You read it right.  I'm referring to going against the flow.  While everyone else is hurrying up, you hurry down.  Slow down.  Smell the roses.  Take a hike.  Yes, spend time with nature.  Hurry uppers are so busy in the hustle and bustle that they're missing out on what's really important.  This is all about your health and wellness.

Hurry down is biblical.  Yep.  It's right there in the beginning of the Bible.  Genesis to be exact.  Chapter 2, verses 1-3.  God rested on the seventh day.  For those of us who didn't put two and two together, this verse is for us.  God doesn't need to rest.  He's perfect.  He rested to lead by example.  God made it more explicit when he gave Moses the 10 Commandments.  In Exodus 20:8, God told Moses to remember the Sabbath, to keep it Holy.  Sabbath is Hebrew for "rest from labor."  Holy means sacred or dedicated to God.  God is telling you right now to hurry down.  Especially now when the world is in a frenzy.  You don't have to go with the flow.  Be different.  Have a great day.

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