Sunday, December 26, 2021

You May Not Believe This

Something strange happened at Christmas Mass.  Even my pastor looked puzzled as he pulled out my Communion Host.  He's done this hundreds of thousands of times in his ministry.  He looked at my host as if something was out of place.  I noticed right away that my host was actually two hosts that had been bonded together.  They weren't stuck.  That would have been an easy fix.  No, they looked like they had somehow been compressed.  Any nonbeliever would argue that this was a random error in the preparation process.  The more God reveals Himself to me, the more I see "Godincidences," 

We all have our own belief systems.  Many people need to see proof in order to process what they observe through their perceptions.  A leap of faith is out of the question for these people.  Others are able to take a leap of faith.  For those who tend to doubt things, I'm going to do my best to share this story as if the double host was just some kind of random accident.  Something happened in the process that caused my bread to change.  You're with me I hope.  Now, let me ask you a question.  Doesn't it seem odd to you that I would be the one to get this modified host on this day, Christmas Day, a day when my dad was born and he had a twin brother?  I suspect the timing of this has Supernatural involvement, just like the "twin rose" that bloomed at my sister's house when my dad passed away.  The location of this twin rose was in close proximity to the front porch where my dad and his twin would visit during his final days.

If you're still reading today's story, I'm going to offer one final food for thought.  It's a bit controversial in the world of doubting Thomas's but I'm going to share because I happen to believe yesterday's event was a God moment and not an accident.  What if the bread we receive is really the Body of Christ and not simply a symbol or something we do to remember Jesus?  That's what a minority of us in our branch of God's family believe.  I say minority because most refuse to believe a simple host can somehow be changed in that way, even though that's what we are taught.  The first time Jesus told the crowd that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood, most of the crowd walked away in disbelief.  The twelve that remained are the ones responsible for sharing the good news which is now our Bible.  The Word of God is God.  If you're in the minority of followers who happen to be in my denomination, you know something Divine happens at the altar every time.  I'm thankful for the twin host I received on Christmas day.  Coincidence or Godincidence?  These answers will be given at the end of time.  Have a great day.

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