Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Broken Window

 Jesus was walking the streets of Heaven.  Something seemed amiss.  He summoned St. Peter, the gate keeper tasked with letting the proper people in.  Here's a bit about their conversation...

Jesus:  "Hey Pete, we need to talk.  I'm noticing something that bothers me and I need to know if you understand what having the keys to the kingdom really means.  Come on, man.  There's butt heads and rift raft all over Heaven.  What in the Hell is going on?"

Peter trembled, noticing that temper flaring.  He hadn't seen Jesus boil over since the peddlers on earth invaded the temple and turned the place into a pawn shop.  Jesus exploded, overturned the tables, and cast everyone out of his Father's house.  Was this scene about to be repeated in Heaven?  There was a long pause before Peter could spill the beans.

"Please don't blame me, Jesus," Peter stammered.  "It's not my fault.  I've been checking everyone's papers.  It's your mother.  She's letting everyone in through the window."

Jesus looked up and noticed a broken stained glass window.  He sent Peter back to his post at the Pearly gates and walked over to the broken window.  Sure enough, it was broken from the inside.  He long suspected that his mother was secretly visiting the planet earth to share the good news about her Son.  Jesus decided to follow the shards of glass and gather them up to make the necessary repairs to the broken window.

Here's the rest of the story...

Those shards of glass were scattered all over the earth.  Each colorful piece represents you, me, and billions of others.  Yes, we are all broken.  Not only are we broken, we are also blind.  We cannot see how we are all created to be together.  We belong in Heaven as part of the Father's kingdom.  Sadly, the window was broken when the first humans were cast out and doomed to a life outside of paradise.  

Jesus did come to earth to make the necessary repairs.  The chosen ones were hand-picked by the Father to  prepare the world for the repairs.  They falsely believed they were the only significant part of the broken window.  In fact, they got really mad when they were told about some of the butt heads and rift raft (us) that would be allowed into the Father's house.  When the repair man showed up, he wasn't on a high horse and he was unarmed.  Must be a false Messiah, they all assumed.  It's really bad news when you assume. 

Take a look around you.  Do you notice that all the shattered stain glass pieces are still broken?  Do you notice how everyone is fighting over who is right, who belongs, and who is wrong, and doesn't belong?  Maybe you sometimes want to be the judge.  I urge you do look closely at your own shard of glass.  I don't know a lot of things but I'm sure of one thing.  You belong in the window.  You belong in the kingdom.  The only one who is worthy to keep you out is Jesus and right now he's inviting you in.  Today is his birthday.  Have a conversation with him.  Ask him to help you get along with all the other broken pieces.  Yes, they are different from you.  They come from all kinds of denominations.  Remember who created each broken piece.

Some day we will all be back in the kingdom.  Today is an excellent day to celebrate that great first day when the Messiah came.  It's also a great day to ponder what the world will look like after the Messiah returns to complete his assignment.  Don't forget to thank Mary for saying yes when the angel visited and asked if she would become the mother of God.  Keep in mind that as the Immaculate Conception she was free from the original sin that doomed all of us to brokenness.  Without her yes, we would be forever broken.  Happy birthday, Jesus.  Merry Christmas.  Have a great day. 

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