Thursday, December 23, 2021

Molecules and More for Improved Health

 There are nearly 8 billion people on the planet.  We all have one thing in common – we are all aging and death is inevitable.  Of those 8 billion people, there are approximately 11,000 in a private FaceBook group following one man who has dedicated his life to studying the aging process.  This man, Dr. David A. Sinclair, is a Harvard Medical School professor who believes we can live longer by making changes.

Can you live longer?  Do you want to give something a try that may improve your odds for increasing your lifespan?  Keep in mind that Dr. Sinclair is a PhD and not a medical doctor so it's important to consult your physician before making changes.  This story is not meant to serve as medical advice and is for information purposes only.  Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let's talk about molecules.  The molecules I'm taking are the same molecules the human body produces.  Unfortunately, over time, the production of these molecules subsides.   When this happens the end caps of our DNA strands, called telomeres,  shrink and eventually disappear.  That's when something terrible happens.  Left unprotected, the DNA strands begin to fray.  Dr. Sinclair believes this is a contributor to the aging process.

You may think you are doing everything right to slow down the aging process.  If part of that thinking includes eating three meals a day, you may want to read Sinclair's book, "Lifespan."  He believes there is a better way.  He rarely eats more than one meal a day.  Sounds radical, doesn't it?  Intermittent fasting alerts the body that the food supply may be in danger.  The body responds.  What happens is that the body prepares a defense and the result is increased longevity.  I would like to add that I'm one of the 11,000 people in Dr. Sinclair's group and I really enjoy the personal stories.  I shared with the group that I no longer get tired on the tennis court.  I feel like the energizer bunny.  Only time will tell if these ideas will help me live longer.  Consider today's story as an invitation to explore molecules and more on your own and see if this is worth giving a try.  Have a great day.

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