Tuesday, November 30, 2021

How are Your Holiday Spirits?

 There are many valid reasons why this time of year is so stressful for others.  The sun rises and sets much earlier depriving us of much needed Vitamin D.  There are longer lines everywhere you look.  Many of us have been locked up in our homes for what seems like an eternity due to the pandemic.  Food prices are now out of control causing a heavy burden on our budgets.  Are these things causing your Holiday spirits to shrink?

My wife and I booked a trip to Arizona recently to attend a wedding and this helped both of us get an extra shot of Vitamin D from the Valley of the Sun where I grew up.  There are some great travel deals offered by the airlines to make travel affordable and allow you the opportunity to increase your Vitamin D.  If this is not a viable option, consider increasing your Vitamin D with a supplement.  Check with your doctor to get the proper medical advice when making changes to your routine.

I would like to share one more idea to boost your Holiday spirits during this challenging time of the year.  Get some of your friends together once a week and share your ideas for uplifting your morale.  The group my wife and I joined is from our local church.  We are making new friends while reducing our stress levels.  It's so easy to forget the real reason for the season.  This is supposed to be a joyful time.  We are about to celebrate the most important birthday of all times.  I'm sure it was really stressful for the Holy family when they were about to welcome Jesus into the world.  I'm happy I was reminded that Jesus is the real reason for the season and I hope Jesus helps you to raise your Holiday spirits during this special time. Have a great day.

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