Thursday, November 18, 2021

What's on Your Reading List?

The New Year is fast approaching.  This is a great time of year to reflect on the past year as it comes to a conclusion.  If you feel like maybe you've fallen short, I have an idea for you.  Review all the books you read and evaluate how these books contributed to your sense of well being.  There is a strong relationship regarding what you're feeding your brain and your output.  Garbage in means garbage out.  Feed your brain good books and you will see improved results.

I have some ideas for you for books to read next year.  Check out my cousin's book, "The Three Miracles."  He shares from his heart and his perspective, along with his music he composes, will inspire you.  There is a good chance you already own a copy of the greatest best seller of all times.  If you're like me, reading it cover to cover may be especially challenging.  Well, I found a way to get through the material.  I'm committing to a guided walk-thru of the Bible using daily YouTube videos published by my mom's favorite spiritual guru.  The series, led by Fr. Mike Schmitz, offers you an opportunity to do something very few do, complete the Bible in one year.  I'm sharing a link for you to check out.  Don't thank me, thank my mother.  She prays for her children daily and I just happen to be a recipient of one the greatest prayer warriors to walk the planet. Here you go:  Bible in a Year.  Have a great day. 

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