Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Magical Forest Going Dark

One of my friends from my day job spotted me yesterday at the post office in my hometown.  "I didn't know you live here," he said.

"I rarely get outside these days," I told him.  "I'm in my basement on my days off writing books."  He looked surprised.  He may have been more surprised had I told him about my magical forest, a nickname I use for my downstairs basement where I compose my stories.  The name "magical forest" comes from one of my bosses who laughingly told others, "I live in a magical forest surrounded by magical creatures."  If you could see my basement you would likely agree with my boss.  

As much as I love my magical forest, it's time to shut it down to make room for Christmas.  There's not enough room in my basement for our Christmas tree and my "magical stuff" so I'm going dark.  The writing will continue but I'm going old school.  When Christmas is over and we're in the New Year, I'm lighting up the magical forest with fresh stories and entertaining videos.  The two book projects are not quite ready for prime time yet.  I'm in a tug-of-war with some dark forces that long to shut me down permanently.  Well, that's not going to happen.  These same forces are trying to stop the Second Coming of Jesus.  That's not going to happen either.  Everything is according to God's will and God's timing.  I will keep writing and editing until I have something worth sharing with the world.  My hope is that these books will be magical. Have a great day.

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