Saturday, November 27, 2021

Do This When You're Stuck

Do you ever get that feeling you're stuck in the mud?  If so, do you have a plan to get unstuck?  I know people who are stuck in the mud and sometimes I wonder if they prefer to stay there so they have something to complain about.  If you're one of those people, this story isn't for you.  I'm offering a solution based on my own personal experiences.

The first step is to realize you're not advancing.  Believe it or not, some people are stuck and they are so set in their ways that they don't even notice.  Every day is simply a repeat of the day before.  You can discover this for yourself by keeping a daily log for thirty days.  If every day you live is simply a repeat, you're stuck.

If you made it this far, you probably know in your heart that you are stuck and you want to move forward. Congratulations!  You are ready.  Let's do this.  Begin by telling the world you are making changes in your life.  Find people who are willing to help.  Avoid the people who prefer you stay in your rut because they are afraid your changes will push them to get unstuck and perhaps they're not ready so they will fight you rather than help you grow.

Promise yourself you will not simply relive yesterday.  Promise yourself to try new things.  Don't worry about failing when you get out of your comfort zone.  Recognize that the only way to get unstuck is to change up your routine.  Take one more step today that is further than what you did yesterday.  Resist all attempts by your body to keep you in the same place.  Movement is key.  Do this every day.  Have a great day.

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