Sunday, November 7, 2021

Where are You Storing Your Treasure?

 Take a good look around you.  Pay attention to all that you treasure.  Without judging, take a peek at what treasures your neighbors are accumulating while you are assessing everything you possess that is valuable to you.  Do you like what you see?

Think back to a couple of thousand years ago and imagine how you would live.  Would you be storing the same type of treasures?  If not, how would different would it be?  Keep in mind that the people who followed Jesus rarely kept anything of value.  The reason for this may surprise you.  It's not because they didn't like nice things.  It's because the one they followed advised them there was a better place to store their treasures.  This place cannot be seen by the human eye.  This is the place where your treasures are all maximized.  You really can't store your treasures in both places.  This is an either/or choice.

The way you decide to store your treasure has to do with your point of view.  If you are a non-believer, time itself is finite and you will probably focus all your attention on your earthly home.  You live, you accumulate things, you die.  End of story.  Or, if you happen to be a believer and you understand you will live forever, that place called Heaven is appealing.  The less you worry about storing things here and the more you care about your eternal life, the more attention you will pay to storing your treasure in Heaven.  If I can make a recommendation about this, I would say, "Make good choices."  Have a great day.

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