Monday, November 29, 2021

I'm Working on Raising My Credibility Grade

I don't have to wait for my end-of-year report card to know my grades.  Sadly, they aren't so good.  Maybe my Kindergarten teacher is some sort of prophet.  Thanks, mom, for saving that report card from Mrs. Kabrice who I nicknamed named Mrs. Kaboose.  She reported quite accurately that I could have done better.  The same is true with one more report card preserved from elementary school that my mom gave me on my latest visit.  Maybe some day I will get it right.  If you are looking for some entertainment value, read on and I'll share my self evaluation for this year.

Let's start with credibility.  I give myself a C in this category which is probably more generous than my early teachers would be if they were around to hand out report cards.  At least this somewhat average grade is higher than my grade for meeting deadlines which stands at a Big F- as this year comes to a conclusion.  More on that later.  I'm not bothered by this grade.  It's similar to calling myself in to my own personal principal's office and looking myself in the mirror for my own personal counseling notice.  CN's as we call it at my day job are meant to identify areas of improvement.  I need a plan to raise this grade if I'm going to sell more than five books.   

Who in their right mind would publish a book entitled "Live Long and Prosper" when they are mired in debt and have a health record like mine?  Yep.  I'm the one who had two strikes against me not that long ago when the fat lady in the stands was preparing her vocal cords to sing at my funeral.  I'm the guy who got sued a couple of times for my failure to follow the proper guidelines.  I'm also the guy who lost most of my fortune when I short sold my home at the bottom of the market.  The C grade is for the lessons learned and for the improvement I've made these last three years retiring my debt.

If you made it this far, I'm going to share one grade that I feel pretty good about.  Unfortunately, it's not one you see in school so it probably doesn't mean much to my teachers.  I'm giving myself an A for my ability to play games.  My buddies I grew up with still talk about the games I invented and shared with the neighborhood.  Don't worry, cuz, I'm not going to bring up "Red Rover" because this isn't the time or the place.  Three years ago I concocted a debt reduction game to help me get out of debt while doing what I  The deadline was set at 36 months.  Well, it turns out I won't finish on time.  Three additional months are necessary.  That makes the new target 3/17/22.  If you know me, you know this is the day we maximize fun and games.  Yes, it's St. Patrick's Day.  Could this be the day I finally pay off all debts including our mortgage?  My previous teachers aren't holding their breaths.  You will need to stay tuned to see my final credibility grade.  I may even shock Mrs. Kaboose and company.  Have a great day.

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