Sunday, September 20, 2020

Dealing with Grief

 Other than the Facebook birthday wishes to friends and family, I've been rather silent on social media.  If you've never had a pet in your life, it may be difficult to comprehend the grief I'm feeling right now.  Roxy was the last of the Mohicans, a trio of rescue dogs that blessed our family with years of companionship.  I'm doing my best to concentrate on all the good Roxy brought to us but I do find my mind drifting to this void I feel from her loss.  I'm writing about grief for two reasons.  Number one, if you are going through this, I want to help you.  Number two, writing about Roxy helps me to cope.

Grief is real.  It's part of being human.  The shortest verse in the Bible refers to the sadness Jesus experienced when he heard about his friend's passing.  Jesus wept - John 11:35.  There's a lot to experience in that meaningful verse.  Right now I'm living that verse.  It's tough.  Thank you for the opportunity to share my situation with you.  Have a great day.


Vương Trùng Dương said...

Thank you for share!!!
Tất cả các các dịch vụ như: Vận chuyển hàng hóa đường sắt, vận chuyển ô tô bằng đường sắt, vận chuyển xe máy bằng tàu hỏa hay vận chuyển container lạnh đường sắt kết hợp với vận chuyển container đường bộ mà Ratraco Solutions cung cấp đang nhận được sự quan tâm rất lớn từ khách hàng hiện nay.

Michael Mulligan said...

You're welcome!