Monday, September 21, 2020

The Upward Turn

We each have our own ways of coping with loss and I'm doing my best to move forward after saying goodbye to my writing partner last Friday.  There are seven stages of the grieving process.  For me, the process started much earlier than Friday.  We began grieving months ago when we noticed Roxy was having trouble with her senses.  She no longer enjoyed family walks.  Her quality of life was diminishing.  I was in denial that all of this was really happening (first stage of grief).  I definitely felt her pain when she struggled to move around (second stage of grief).    My wife and I did bargain quite a bit about the decision to make that dreaded appointment to say goodbye (third stage of grief).  The depression (fourth stage of grief) hit me hard when Roxy left us.  The void hurts.

Today it's time for the upward turn (fourth stage of grief).  The experts say this is the stage where you begin to feel strengthened, motivated, and awakened.  It's like taking the first step upward on a mountain climb.  Today I'm taking that first step.  Happiness is a choice.  I'm choosing to be happy today.  I'm choosing to take one step in a positive direction.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this challenging time in my life with you.  There are some good steps ahead.  Have a great day.

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