Saturday, September 19, 2020

Blogging Solo Now

 Roxy is gone now.  We said our final goodbyes yesterday.  It was the first time we visited the vet without all the crazy barking on the way.  She knew.  Her time had come and she was ready to go to sleep.  Roxy was surrounded by her human family, a pack that often disappears for long periods of time to venture out into the world while Roxy waits for their return.  Now it's Roxy's turn to leave us, this time a one-way journey into faraway lands where the departed from this world go to be with the one true master we all belong to.  Roxy's job is done.  The rest of us are here to complete our assignments before we join all who have gone ahead of us.

Grieving is a process (see below).  I don't really know how long each stage lasts but I do know it's important to take time and go through the steps.  For me, it's easier with family and friends.  Blogging solo is part of the next chapter of my life.  I have much to do with the remaining time I have on this planet.  For now, I will do my best to deal with the loss of our beloved Roxy.  Have a great day.

The 7 stages of grief
  • Shock and denial. This is a state of disbelief and numbed feelings.
  • Pain and guilt. ... 
  • Anger and bargaining. ... 
  • Depression. ... 
  • The upward turn. ... 
  • Reconstruction and working through. ... 
  • Acceptance and hope.

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