Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Everything Changes When Your Food Choices Improve

 Every cell of your body depends on the positive food choices you make.  You may be able to get away with a few mistakes now and then.  Consider a river that takes on some pollution.  It can purify itself as long as the pollution is minimal.  Your body works the same way.  It has all kinds of built-in repair mechanisms to handle your mistakes.  Too much overload and the body becomes too overwhelmed.  Disease creeps in.  Your life cycle shortens.  The quality of your life declines.

I've been doing my best to maximize my daily food choices.  Gone are sodas filled with sugar.  I said goodbye to processed foods.  Not only is my body responding favorably, but I'm also feeling an increased sense of well being.  I'm able to handle challenges like dealing with the loss of our Chihuahua that has been with us since our kids were all teenagers.  Everything changes when your food choices improve.  Even the slightest changes can help.  You deserve a healthy mind, body, and spirit.  Have a great day.

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