Tuesday, September 8, 2020

This is What Happens When You Reduce Stress

 Are you feeling stress these days?  If you find fear creeping into your life or increased burdens are weighing you down, you may be one of the millions who are wishing this year would come to a conclusion sooner rather than later.  Stress can cause you to have a tainted vision of your future.  Left unchecked, stress can bury you before your time.

Your perception of reality changes for the better when you reduce stress.  Think of stress reduction as going through a car wash.  When you come out on the other side, you're still driving the same vehicle but it looks so much shinier.  When you look out the windows, everything you see is so much more beautiful than before the car wash.  Instead of wishing away the days, you find great joy in the present moment.  Have a great day.

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