Saturday, December 16, 2023

Why I Cut Ties

Have you ever found yourself struggling to keep your head above water?  Perhaps it's a busy schedule.  Maybe it has to do with dark energy, like the fictional character, Pigpen, who found himself surrounded by a perpetual thick cloud of dust.  There was no escape.  I have been plagued by having so much on my calendar that my writing projects were forced to the back burner.  It's embarrassing when you feel trapped with no way out.

I did something that changed everything – cut ties.  My social media, with the exception of this blog, is abandoned.  My TV is mostly off.  When it is on, I'm watching something that helps me learn about my topics of concern.

There are some who think I'm losing interest in their lives because I rarely connect on familiar stomping grounds, like FaceBook.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I deeply care.  I also need to be selfish about my personal time so that I can finish my boldest goals.  The silver lining in the clouds is I'm finding myself in the writing zone.  The winds are blowing with great intensity.  I will remain in seclusion until my goals are met.  Only God knows how long that will be.  Have a great day.

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