Tuesday, December 12, 2023

96 Days Until My Favorite Day of the Year

 As the countdown to St. Patrick's Day begins, memories of my childhood shenanigans resurface. If you were around, you might recall my oversized homemade shamrocks and the peculiarities that made me an easy target for grapefruits hurled over the fence by the kids at public school. Those days, being the slowest runner often meant being picked last for playground games. St. Patrick's Day, however, was my refuge—an occasion to celebrate my dad's Irish heritage.

My father, Patrick, turned St. Patrick's Day into a month-long extravaganza at his tavern, Mulligan's, nestled on Cave Creek Road in Sunnyslope. The lively Dixieland band, the gatherings of the Poet's Society, the green bagels, and the bustling patrons reveling in beer-filled merriment—it all dances vividly in my mind, even though the festivities are still three calendar flips away.

I find my mind thriving amidst defined goals, the ones with specific deadlines, what my mentor, neuroscientist David Huberman, calls "smart goals." These goals, bold and occasionally arduous, hold promise. According to David, consistent commitment to challenging activities expands brain capacity—a topic I'll delve into in tomorrow's story. I'm steadfast in my commitment to share "Live Long and Prosper" with you soon. Who knows? Perhaps this St. Patrick's Day, you'll witness the fruit of my labor. A touch of the Irish luck might just seal the deal. Have a wonderful day!

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